MDM Pattern: working with a legacy master database

Wednesday March 23rd our very own Stig Nielsen presented a lightning talk at Bergen’s Booster Conference. This conference offers talks and workshops for anyone involved in software development from developers to project managers.

Stig is a solution architect and backend developer at Instech. In his 10 minute lightning talk he discusses how to create new solutions to support everyday business operations when your master data is a legacy database. Stig discusses a possible solution for what to do if your business depends on a legacy database for everything, but querying it is slow and error prone.

At Instech we have developed a M(aster)D(ata)M(anagement) pattern, extracting what we need and storing it using an up-to-date data model which fits well for whatever new use case we have. We do this using a neat selection of managed services in Azure. The outcome is no more latency, and still having fresh data in our new applications.


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