Continuous Delivery of Etuity products

Many of you might have heard about DevOps and maybe read that Instech has hired a DevOps-engineer. So, what does DevOps really mean and why is it important for you?


The fundamental values of DevOps (development and operations) are captured in The Agile Manifesto. DevOps is as such both a culture of how to work and a set of principles that underpins how Instech works with development of software.


The principles are the basis for how we can work in an agile fashion and enables us to do Continuous Delivery. One important principle is to “Automate Everything”, which means that we have automated processes that build, test and deploy our code and infrastructure to our production environment. With continuous delivery we mean that the development team on a continuous basis delivers new features/functionality to the software running in the production environment.


With this methodology we deliver new features in small increments, or small releases, but we are doing this frequently. On some occasions we do several releases each day, even while users are using the software that is being updated. You will therefore experience that the Etuity products, after the initial release, will change slightly each day. A part of DevOps is also to monitor the system in real-time, so we can discover failures when they happen, and quickly correct them and deploy hot-fixes quickly. Based on your feedback, these products will therefore grow better and better each day. It is important to emphasize that INS+ will still be released in the same manner as before.

Gone is the day of major releases with high risks and equally high tension for both users and developers.


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